Mobile Suit Gundam WING 10 Paperback by Story: Katsuyuki Sumizawa, Art: Tomofumi Ogasawara, Original concept: Hajime Yatate and Yoshiyuki Tomino

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Mobile Suit Gundam WING 10 Paperback by Story: Katsuyuki Sumizawa, Art: Tomofumi Ogasawara, Original concept: Hajime Yatate and Yoshiyuki Tomino

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Product Details

  • Publisher: Vertical Comics (2019-01-15)
  • Language: English
  • Paperback: 176 pages
  • ISBN-13: 9781947194274
  • Item Weight: 136.08 grams
  • Dimensions: 6.97 x 5.02 x 0.52 cm

One of the biggest anime/manga properties of all time returns with the release of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. A longtime hit of the Cartoon Network, Gundam Wing remains one of the most recognized Japanese titles in recent history spinning off a number of movie, books, and model kit collections. "The Glory of Losers" retells the original WING story by incorporating elements of the anime and its recent light novel adaptations.

Following the actions of five fighters and their mobile suits (large robots made for destruction), Gundam Wing is a heavily political, dramatic action work that is centered around a war between Earth and its surrounding colonies in space.

About the Author

Katsuyuki Sumisawa is one of the most prolific and well known anime screenwriters of all time. He has worked on such megahits as: Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon, InuYasha, Naruto, GinTama, YuuYuu Hakusho and Mobile Suit Gundam WING. He entered the anime industry as a

Tomofumi Ogasawara is a manga veteran with more than 15 years of experience in the field. These days he is best known as an illustrator providing mechanical designs for a number of novels within the Gundam franchise. However, he started off as a mangaka drawing his own original mecha (fighting robot) comic series in 2001.

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